Custom Styles

Extensively customise the appearance of the widget

There are three different themes for the widget. Integrations should find the theme that most closely matches their desired style, then apply modifications to that.

  "public_api_key": "pk_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "config_version": "1.2",
  "theme": "light",
  "custom_styles": {
    "cs-base": {
      "color": "red"
    "cs-highlight": {
      "background": "yellow"

Component Styles

Configurable Attributes

  • cs-base

  • cs-button

  • cs-error

  • cs-highlight

  • cs-interactive

  • cs-select

  • cs-special

  • cs-subtext

  • cs-icon

  • background

  • border-color

  • color

For example:

  "public_api_key": "pk_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "config_version": "1.1",
  "custom_styles": {
    "cs-base": {
      "color": "#333",
    "cs-subtext": {
      "color": "#666",
    "cs-special": {
      "background": "#fff",
      "color": "#333",
      "border-color": "#e8e8e8",
    "cs-error": {
      "color": "#f4532f",
      "border-color": "#f4532f",
    "cs-button": {
      "color": "#000",
      "background": "#2a9ff8",
    "cs-select": {
      "background": "#fff",

Last updated