Refer example: https://github.com/QuoineFinancial/qex-b2b-examples/blob/master/currency-swap/react-fiat-crypto/src/app/card-payment.tsx
Accept funding using Visa credit and debit cards card using funding method CARD_PAYMENT
Setup Parameters
Input Parameters
Note that an iframe should be rendered for card tokenization which will submit this information.
Result Parameters
Card details must be recorded via loading a minimally intrusive and unstyled iframe. Card details cannot be submitted via normal API.
Copy <iframe
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
const data: CustomPostMessage = event.data;
if (data !== undefined && data !== null && data.event !== undefined) {
switch (data.event) {
case 'success':
console.log('Tokenization Success', data.payload);
case 'failure':
console.log('Tokenization Failed', data.payload );
case '3ds-frame':
console.log('Must render 3DS iframe', data.payload)
case 'card-validation':
console.log('Card validation updated', data.payload);
}, false);
const iframe = document.getElementById('qex-card-capture');
const initializePostMessage = {
event: "initialize"
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(initializePostMessage, "*");
The initialize
postMessage is essential to loading the iframe. It can contain a payload
attribute which specifies some optional custom parameters for the input form.
Copy const initializePostMessage = {
event : "initialize" ,
payload : {
style : {
base : {
color : "#FFF" ,
fontSize : "15px" ,
} ,
placeholder : {
base : {
color : "#aaaaaa" ,
} ,
} ,
localization: {
card_number : 'Card Number' ,
card_month : 'MM' ,
card_year : 'YY' ,
card_cvv : 'CVV'
} ,
} ,
See swagger documentation: https://partners.liquid.com/swagger/#/default/get_api_v1_method_card__settlement_instruction_id_
The host application must render a "submit" button and call a submit
post message when the user clicks it. This post message can optionally contain a payload
which holds cardHolder
information. This information is not always required, however some card issuers will reject transactions where it is not present.
Copy const cardholder = {
name : userInfo .fullName ,
billingAddress : userInfo .billingAddress ,
phone : userInfo .phoneNumber ,
const submitMessage : CustomPostMessage = {
event : "submit" ,
payload : { cardholder } ,
iframe . contentWindow .postMessage (submitMessage , "*" );
3D Secure
Card issuers must support the 3D Secure standard. To process 3DS, a second iframe must be rendered.
The address of this iframe must be obtained from the previous iframe. See 3ds-iframe
postMessage in the code above.
When the user completes the 3DS the new iframe will fire either the success
or failure
Example Responses
GET https://partners.liquid.com/api/v1/transaction/70f7cd4c-bb6b-48eb-abe8-b92eac9e3db8
Copy {
"success" : true ,
"environment" : "PRODUCTION" ,
"message" : "Transaction created. Transaction is filled. Payout has been delivered." ,
"payload" : {
"transaction_id" : "70f7cd4c-bb6b-48eb-abe8-b92eac9e3db8" ,
"api_key" : "ef6cf2a7-a6e8-48d1-8c8a-677187dfcd8f" ,
"status" : "FILLED" ,
"funding_settlement" : {
"settlement_instruction_id" : "fba2b4eb-7d17-453a-a69f-c5e991384091" ,
"transaction_id" : "70f7cd4c-bb6b-48eb-abe8-b92eac9e3db8" ,
"currency" : "AUD" ,
"direction" : "FUNDING" ,
"method" : "CARD_PAYMENT" ,
"quantity" : "100.00" ,
"status" : "COMPLETE" ,
"expires" : {
"unix_ms" : 1589254269593 ,
"iso8601" : "2020-05-12T03:31:09.593Z" ,
"ttl_ms" : 20000
} ,
"input_parameters" : {
"card_token" : "tok_wiooyb6dhkquvikbxsvw2uymhy"
} ,
"result_parameters" : {
"card_receipt" : "act_3ycvlqyprmme3kh3l36blhu7om"
} ,
"_links" : {
"status" : {
"href" : "https://partners.liquid.com/api/v1/settlement/status/fba2b4eb-7d17-453a-a69f-c5e991384091"
} ,
"payout_settlement" : {
"settlement_instruction_id" : "e6560d70-2fa8-4e2a-b86b-3979694016ad" ,
"transaction_id" : "70f7cd4c-bb6b-48eb-abe8-b92eac9e3db8" ,
"currency" : "USDC" ,
"direction" : "PAYOUT" ,
"quantity" : "60.640" ,
"status" : "COMPLETE" ,
"expires" : {
"unix_ms" : 1589254253947 ,
"iso8601" : "2020-05-12T03:30:53.947Z" ,
"ttl_ms" : 20000
} ,
"input_parameters" : {
"wallet_adress" : "0xC5b83d3C0f48807AF09ee5Bd1c95Ee870878f36B"
} ,
"result_parameters" : {
"wallet_address" : "0xC5b83d3C0f48807AF09ee5Bd1c95Ee870878f36B" ,
"transaction_hash" : "0x8698693ddaec3cad825c0c42e326105e3e14f70ebbcd425c3a8b577570168335"
} ,
"_links" : {
"status" : {
"href" : "https://partners.liquid.com/api/v1/settlement/status/e6560d70-2fa8-4e2a-b86b-3979694016ad"
} ,
"_links" : {
"status" : {
"href" : "https://partners.liquid.com/api/v1/transaction/status/70f7cd4c-bb6b-48eb-abe8-b92eac9e3db8"