The widget is configured via the payload passed into the init call or the config attribute in the react implementation.
Config Object
Key | Required | Description |
public_api_key | true | Provided API public key |
true | Specify config structure version. Current version: | |
user_locale | false | User locale for translations |
false | Default currencies and quantities for the initial quote screen | |
false | Default currencies and quantities for the initial quote screen | |
false | Where method and parameters of funding settlement are know ahead of time, they can be provided here. If provided, and all required parameters are present, the funding view will be skipped. | |
false | Where method and parameters of payout settlement are know ahead of time, they can be provided here. If provided, and all required parameters are present, the payout view will be skipped. | |
quote | false | Previously obtained quote. If provided the quote view will be skipped. Quote must be valid and recent, or else the user will be prompted to select a new quote. |
false | Set custom styles for the widget elements. | |
false | Provide an authenticated identity set for the current user. | |
surpress_sandbox_warning | false | Prevent the sandbox warning from appearing. (boolean) |
false | Render the widget with immutable parameters such as payout destination and quantity. | |
false | Change the layout of the widget for special use cases. | |
false | Searchable order id. | |
false | Opaque, non-searchable string. | |
false | Array of tags |
Last updated