Intents (Fixed Settlements)

Define the fixed economics of a transaction before hand.

When initiating a request for payment, for example, it is undesirable to permit modifying certain transaction parameters, such as payout destination, currency and quantity.

An intent can be created with a fixed set of economics and any other parameters, without reference a quote. This intent can then be shared with the user for them to fulfil. In the payment example this means passing the intent_id to the initialization object of the widget.

A default (but still user changeable) currency can be set for either side of the transaction by setting the default_transaction in the widget initialization.

Create Intent

GET /api/v1/partner/{public_api_key}/intent

Must contain `funding_settlement` and/or `payout_settlement`. Can only contain a quantity value for one.

Path Parameters


Request Body

    "success": true,
    "environment": "SANDBOX",
    "message": "Intent created. This intent can now be fulfilled by the widget.",
    "payload": {
        "id": "d627cead-8298-441c-a85a-bdf9c664877a",
        "created_at": "1623231760578",
        "expires_at": null,
        "strategy": "ONE_TO_MANY",
        "funding_settlement": null,
        "payout_settlement": {
            "method": "LIQUID_PARTNER_WALLET",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "quantity": "6540"
        "partner_order_id": "searchable order id, max 40 characters",
        "partner_ref": "Signed JWT",
        "partner_tags": [


Signed JWT. Please refer to auth token instructions.

Encoded payload must contain:

    "token_id": "{created in Liquid web app, link above}",
    "path": "/realtime",
    "delegate_path": "/api/v1/partner/{public_api_key}/intent",
    "nonce": {current unix timestamp}


The strategy field is optional, and defaults to ONE_TO_ONE_ATTEMPTED .


    "partner_ref": "optional external reference",
    "payout_settlement": {
        "method": "LIQUID_PARTNER_WALLET",
        "currency": "JPY",
        "quantity": "6500"

    "success": true,
    "environment": "SANDBOX",
    "message": "Intent created. This intent can now be fulfilled by the widget.",
    "payload": {
        "id": "d627cead-8298-441c-a85a-bdf9c664877a",
        "created_at": "1623231760578",
        "expires_at": null,
        "strategy": "ONE_TO_MANY",
        "funding_settlement": null,
        "payout_settlement": {
            "method": "LIQUID_PARTNER_WALLET",
            "currency": "JPY",
            "quantity": "6540"
        "partner_order_id": "searchable order id, max 40 characters",
        "partner_ref": "Signed JWT",
        "partner_tags": [

Note: In this example funding_settlement is not set to allow the user to choose how to fund the transaction.

Pass the Intent ID to the Widget

See widget configuration.

    "public_api_key": "pk_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "config_version": "1.2",
    "intent_id": "634fa9ca-75b6-4ecc-bc61-e2555fe06323"

This will cause the widget to start on the quote screen, but the payout currency and quantity will be locked.

Last updated